lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013

Useful Language

  • Collocations

ego noun
ADJ. big, enormous, huge, inflated, massive, strong a conceited man with a very big ego | fragile, weak
VERB + EGO bolster, boost, feed, flatter, massage She likes to mix with people who flatter her ego. | bruise, damage, deflate, dent, wound He was lucky to escape with just a bruised ego when he fell off his bike.

reputation noun
ADJ. considerable, enviable, excellent, fine, good, great, high, unrivalled, well-deserved, well-earned She has built up an enviable reputation as a harpist. | awesome, fearsome, formidable | bad, poor, unenviable, unsavoury | established | growing | undeserved | intact (only afterreputation) He emerged from the trial with his reputation intact. | public | international, worldwide | professional
VERB + REPUTATION enjoy, have He has the reputation of being a hard worker. | acquire, build (up), earn, establish, gain, make Her international reputation is built on an impressive list of publications. | damage, destroy, lose, ruin, tarnish | protect | live up to November is certainly living up to its reputation?we've had nothing but rain all week. | live down She found it hard to live down her reputation as a second-rate actress. | stake He has staked his reputation on the success of the play.
REPUTATION + VERB grow | suffer The company's reputation suffered when it had to recall thousands of products that were unsafe.
PREP. by ~ He was by reputation difficult to please. | ~ as You've made quite a reputation for yourself as a rebel! | ~ for The company has a well-deserved reputation for being reliable.

  • Idioms

a blow/boost to your ego It was a huge blow to his ego to find out he was so unpopular. 

stroke someone's ego
Fig. to flatter and praise someone. If you have trouble with him, just take a few minutes and stroke his ego. You'll soon have him eating out of your hand.

an ego trip
something that you do in order to make yourself feel important Running the university Film Society is a big ego trip for her.

stake one's reputation on someone or something
to risk harming one's reputation on someone or something. Of course Denise is great. I will stake my reputation on her! It may be so, but I wouldn't stake my reputation on it

  • Useful Verbs to discuss the topic 

boast 1  (bst)
v. boast·edboast·ingboasts
To glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self-admiring way.
1. To speak of with excessive pride.

brag  (brg)
v. braggedbrag·gingbrags
To talk boastfully. See Synonyms at boast1.
To assert boastfully.
1. A boast.
2. Arrogant or boastful speech or manner.
3. Something boasted of.
4. A braggart; a boaster.

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